Saturday, July 31, 2010


Normally,many students face this problem which is how to stay awake during classes.To some students,it is very important to stay awake when they attend classes.There are some reasons that why students cannot pay attetion and feel sleepy throughout the classes.So,how can you stay awake during classes?Do you feel miserable when you fail to pay attention to what lecturer taught?Let me give you some tips to overcome this problem.To stay awake during classes,students should do some preparations after,before and during class.
First, students should sleep early after class.During the days that has classes,they should sleep at about 11pm.This is needed for your brain to rest because the brain need to rest after it has function all day.Besides that,students can also do their revision before they attend classes the next day.When they prepare for class before they attend,they are able to know what lecturer is going to teach and they are ready to learn and more understand lecturer's teaching.So,they are not easily to fall asleep.Students can also lead a more healthy life.For example,do not stay up late until midnight and busy on clubbing,playing online games like dota,warcraft and facebook.
In addition,students can drink coffee,red bull or essence of chicken before they attend the class.This is because these drinks can help students to stay alert and awake during classes.Students are able to pay attention and focus on their studies.Before the classes,they can also do some exercises for example walking and jogging.Exercises can increase our metabolism, let the students can feel more energy.Students can also eat well in their diet.They should avoid eating too much oily food because oily food can make people feel sleepy and tired,it can decrease their attention on studies.Examples of oily food are fast food and nasi lemak.
Lastly,what students can do in order to stay awake during the classes?Students can take notes when lecturer is teaching.This help students to concentrate on what lecturer had say,when they pay full attention on listening lecturer's teaching,they will have no time to fall asleep.Students can eat snacks like sweets,gums or biscuits to maintain our energy.When their mouth is busy,they will not think about sleeping.Moreover,students can sit in front during the classes.This can help us to pay attention because they are closer with lecturer,they will scare of getting a scold when they fall asleep.Taking a short break during the class can also helps students to refresh their minds.
As a conclusion,stay awake during classes is very important for students.Pay full attention on what lecturer has taught can help students to improve their studies and obtain a better results.So, when you are facing this problems,those tips that i give can help you a lot.

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